National Day against Food Waste: a common commitment for a sustainable future

On February 5, in Italy, the national day against food waste is celebrated, an opportunity to reflect on the value of food and the importance of reducing losses.

Every day, tons of perfectly edible food are thrown away, while millions of people around the world go hungry. Food waste is a scourge of contemporary society that fuels social inequalities and represents a great loss in terms of both natural and monetary resources. Today more than ever, the fight against food waste is a global challenge that touches each of us closely.

Although the majority of waste occurs at the domestic level, an important share is also represented by supply chain waste, starting from production to commercialization, for all phases of the industrial chain.

The Gadda Law: a point of reference for the fight against waste
Introduced on September 14, 2016, Law No. 166, commonly known as the “Gadda Law”, represents a major step forward in the fight against food waste in Italy. The main objective of this law was to reduce the amount of food that ends up in the trash and to encourage the redistribution of food surpluses, encouraging the donation of food that is still edible but no longer suitable for sale, to charitable and social organizations. One of the fundamental aspects of the law is the simplification of bureaucratic procedures for companies, which can now donate excess food more easily and with tax incentives. This has fostered collaboration between the business world and non-profit organizations.

Although the law has encouraged better management of food resources, there is still a long way to go. A survey by the Waste Watcher International observatory revealed that in Italy, during 2023, food waste in the supply chain amounted to a total value of more than 5.7 billion euros, divided between the field (856.3 million), industry (856.5 million) and distribution (3.998 billion).

What can we do?
In addition to supporting solidarity projects and choosing companies that show a real commitment to sustainability, each of us can do our part by committing to the reduction of domestic food waste, which to date is still the largest share. It is good to follow a few simple steps:
• Plan meals
• Store food properly
• Give new life to leftovers
• Raise awareness among others

In this journey, each of us plays a fundamental role: reducing food waste is a collective responsibility, and every small choice can make a difference. At L’Ape di Giulietta, we commit ourselves every day to working ethically, making responsible choices. In fact, we believe that the revolution, today, must be driven by companies.